The Life Eternal but a baseless dream? 永生会变作无稽的梦想。
Eros is the starting point for happiness, prayer is a beautiful word, confidence is the temper of life, eternal life is our pursuit and expectations. 爱神是快乐的起点,祷告是美丽的诺言,信心是生活的磨练,永生是我们的追求和期盼。
The price of life is eternal vigilance. 生命的代价就是永远小心谨慎。
I raised the dead by knowing that life is an eternal attribute of everything that the living God created. 我能使死者复活,是因为我知道生命是永生上主所创造的永恒特质。
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. 这些人要往永刑里去。那些义人要往永生里去。
How look after both sides, to each women, is all life together eternal hard nut to crack. 怎么样兼顾,对每一个女人来说,都是人生一道永恒的难题。
God, thank you for your gift of life and your eternal love for us. 感谢神赐予我们生命及永恒的爱以作礼物。
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life, to eternal life. 并且在牺牲中我们得到永生,得到永生。
You can say that life is not eternal. 也可以说生命不会永恒。
Toasts are made to wish the new couple long life, eternal love and happiness, early birth of a healthy baby and so on. 人们会举杯祝愿新人“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”以及早生贵子等等。
Adam would have been carried over into the life eternal. 亚当应该被流传在永恒的生命中。
Be thou as a flame of fire to My enemies and a river of life eternal to My loved ones, and be not of those who doubt. 对我的敌人你要如同燃烧的火焰,对我所爱的人们,要如同一条永生的清流,且莫要与那些妄存疑心者相交。
Dear, please tell yourself again, you must understand the meaning of life, the life will not end in the universe, at the beginning life is eternal, and this is the only truth. 亲爱的,请再一次告诉自己,一定要明白生命的意义,这个宇宙不会终结的就是生命,生命最初便是永恒的,这是唯一不变的真理。
Although the Mongolian national minority already realizes to life finiteness and the temporary, They still pursue the life infinite and eternal, hence became the idea of "soul immortalization". 蒙古族虽然早已熟习到性命的有限性和短暂性,但是,他们依然追求“性命”的无限与永恒,于是形成了“灵魂不灭”的观念。
You are my life the only heart, You are my life eternal light. 你是我一生唯一的心动,你是我生命里永恒的明灯。
Son of life flash point in the mothers life will be eternal! 儿子人生的闪光时刻将在妈妈的生命中永恒!
The beauty of harmony of life is eternal. 生活的和谐的美,是永恒的。
And is life eternal with rewards and blessings to those who follow him? 生命是永恒的吗?跟随?的人会有赏赐和祝福吗?
Life is eternal. A lifetime is ephemeral. 生命是永恒的,而一生的时间却极为短暂。
Gold is a metaphor for alchemy-a transition from the physical to the non-physical where life is eternal as we are spirit and Time does nt exist! 黄金是一种炼金术的隐喻&是从物质到非物质的转变,非物质的生命是永恒的,正如我们是灵性的一样,时间并不存在!
Perfection is not possible because life is eternal. 生命不止,完美何在?
Li Wei makes person unknown in daily life as an eternal monument to sculpture. 黎薇是将日常生活中的无名者作为永恒的丰碑来雕刻。
And many of those who are sleeping in the dust of the ground will awake, some to life eternal and some to reproach, to eternal contempt. 睡在尘埃中的,必有多人醒起;其中有归到永远生命的,有归到羞辱,永远蒙羞的。
By that I mean that for the creation of the individual who attains the life eternal, without beginning or end, in which the source and the goal have their being, all conditioned life has helped. 我的意思是,为了创造那个达到永恒生命的个人,那无始无终的生命,源泉与目标都在其中,所有局限的生命都帮助过。
As a pious Christian, his works show his meditation over the relation between God and human, between world life and eternal life. 作为一个虔诚的信徒,乔叟在作品里体现了他对人与上帝,今生生活与彼岸救赎一系列问题的思考。
Stating unafraid of death expresses her comprehending ultimate significance of life and her pursuing to life eternal. 对死亡视死如归的坦述,表达了她对生命终极意义的感悟和对生命永恒的追求。
He pursued all his life the eternal beauty and truth and showed a certain indulgence in the appreciation of beauty. 他一生崇拜永恒的美和不朽的真理,其作品中有着一定的唯美倾向。
The never-old pine image was symbol of longevity, which was often used to express the hope of life eternal. 不老松意象是长寿的象征,人们借助这一意象表达出对生命永恒的期盼。
As Zhu Hongbo said, thank Hans Christian Andersen, as we had to overcome an inferiority complex, the recipe for success. Gives us a tour of life eternal spiritual guide. 正如竺洪波所说,感谢安徒生,为我们开了一剂克服自卑、走向成功的良方,为我们提供了人生之旅的一位永远的精神导游。
The diet is the human life eternal topic, world various nationalities have their food culture of the Chinese nation, Korean, as a member of the family, retains the nation bright food culture characteristics. 饮食是人类生活的永恒话题,全世界各民族都有自己的饮食文化,朝鲜族作为中华民族大家庭的一员,保留着本民族鲜明的饮食文化特色。